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My Dream Come True

For as long as I can remember my dream was to be a stay-at-home-mom. And then around my freshmen year of high school, I knew I wanted to be a nurse. And now, the Lord is showing me, I am both. And this is my dream come true. Although, lately it often does not seem like I am living my dream when I am up a lot of the night tending to my sick babies, wiping noses all day long, and dealing with constant fussiness. So I'm so thankful to the Lord for this reminder!

Last night, Wes and I went for a walk on Purdue's campus and we walked by the nursing building. Such great memories from Purdue and I'm so thankful for my education that I received from there. I've been missing my work as a nurse. I know the Lord called me to it, and I love helping people feel better and serving them when they are sick. But I also know for this season it's so important for me to be home and to focus 100% on building my home and family. So last night, as we sat outside of the nursing building, holding hands and talking I was pondering my education and thinking about my professors, wanting to make them proud and not waste my education. But because Jesus lives, and is always at work in my life, He is showing me how I can use my education at home.

My girls have been sick now for about a week and there is no greater patient I rather take care of then them. What a privilege to be their nurse 24/7 and help them feel better. When they have a croup cough I think back to all I learned in pediatrics and the importance of a humidifier and taking them out in the cold or a hot steamy shower. Watching them develop I think back to child development and the important different stages they will need to successfully achieve to move on to the next one. I'm always thinking about their nutrition and I'm so thankful for the nutrition course I had in college. But most importantly, I'm just so thankful for this gift the Lord has given me to feel such joy in nursing. Ah it can be so challenging, especially lately as I've begun to wonder if they will ever feel better, but I'm remembering my purpose in nursing, in motherhood, in marriage, and in all of life. To do everything I do, all for the glory of God. So I give today to the Lord. May I be able to nurse my sweet little girls to the best of my ability, with joy and knowledge in my heart and mind, all because I want to make Jesus happy and glorify Him. I'm so thankful that for right now, in this season, I can be a stay-at-home mom and stay-at-home-nurse- it's my dream come true, and what more could I ask for.


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