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When Liza was an infant, she would wake up around 2 or 3am and no matter what I did, she would stay awake for a solid two hours. Every night. It was like as soon as the 2 hour mark hit she was fast asleep, but could not fall asleep before that. When she was about 6 months old I started to do some serious research on sleep training and finally realized crying it out was an option and worth a try. It had never occurred to me before, I think partially because I would run into her room at the first sound she made when she was first born, because I didn't want her to wake up Sophia. And then for some reason, I just continued to do that. Well after a few nights of sleep training, I had a baby who became an excellent sleeper. We can lay her down wide awake and she can talk herself to sleep and if she happens to wake up at night, she is able to put herself right back to sleep. She doesn't need a nuk, she doesn't need a bottle, she doesn't need rocked. But, after I got her sleep trained, I realized I needed sleep trained! I was used to being up for two hours in the middle of the night every night. So it's been a long few months as I've tried different things but unable to consistently sleep through the night- and by that I mean when I wake up to go to the bathroom, or wake up to Wes getting home, one of the dogs needing out, or Sophie needing something- being able to fall right back asleep. Usually I'm up for 1-2 hours and I just haven't been able to find a solution without using either Melatonin or Benadryl. Until a few nights ago.

Often I would pray, "Lord your Word says in Psalms 127:2, you give your beloved sleep, please Lord give me sleep!" Some times I could fall asleep praying. I started going through the list of Wes's fellow officers but often would get through them all and still be wide awake. And then the Lord gave me the idea to listen to scripture when I couldn't fall asleep. So I started doing that for bedtime, in the middle of the night,  and naps and it hasn't failed me once. There are times I'm laying there feeling so wide awake and within minutes I fall asleep listening to The Word of God. It makes so much sense too. That His Words would quiet me and sing me to sleep. Just as it says in Zephaniah 3:17. While listening I really try and pay attention- to focus on each word. I'm so thankful that right now, I am getting a good nights sleep and able to go to The Lord many times a night and have His Word on my heart and mind as I drift off to sleep.


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