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A Call to Be Home

Lately I've been feeling the Lord speaking to my heart the importance of being home. With Wes's work schedule and the amount of hours he works, I often like to make plans or get out of the house to help the days go faster. The Lord's been calling me to just be home. Make home a fun place for the girls. A place they love to be. So, I'm trying. My days are slow and long. But what a blessing! In a world where everyone else wants time to slow down, where everyone else is so busy, I get to be at home with my two sweet girls getting to witness their whole entire day. Experiencing every single thing they are. And enjoying one another.

Wes was off yesterday and I thought it would be fun to go for a hike in the afternoon. To have a nice big breakfast together, have a lazy morning playing playmobil and reading books, but after nap get in the car, get some ice cream from McDonalds, and go for a little hike. Sophie was so excited about it she was talking so fast and so much as I was putting her in the car. We got the ice cream but right as we got to our hiking spot, it started to thunder. And then downpour. Needless to say we headed home and I was pretty disappointed. But when we got home, Wes set up the girls's new  play castle and they got in there with their stuffed animals and were laughing together the rest of the afternoon. And I bottled it all up in my heart, pondering it all. That's what I'm trying to do more lately as we spend time at home. Ponder it all. Like Mary. And notice things. Just this morning at breakfast Sophie said, "Mommy, what would you like to talk about while we eat?" And I've been pondering that today. And praising God. My sweet girl wants to talk to me while we eat. Usually before nap and before bed I'll ask her what her favorite part of the morning or day was and then without missing a beat she asks me the same thing. The Lord is showing me that these are the foundational years. Having a good relationship with my future teenager starts now. Being available, talking about everything, and enjoying home. Thank you Jesus for your guidance and the time and space to ponder.


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