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When Wes and I first got married I proposed the idea of getting away 3 times a year, even if it was just for one night. For each of our birthdays and for our anniversary. Each celebration perfectly spaced by 4 months. And for the most part, we've kept to that and it's been wonderful. We've been to a few bed and breakfasts in Gettysburg, New Holland, and the Finger Lakes. A hotel in a nearby town, camping close to home, Vermont with friends, and a night away for a wedding in Lancaster. I feel so blessed for having each of those opportunities. This little tradition has been pivotal in our marriage and purposefully creates time for us to have fun and relax. We laugh, we eat, we play. It's wonderful. For my birthday, Wes suggested just staying home and doing things around town. So we found a time my inlaws could watch the girls and made it happen. It was delightful and I feel so refreshed. We went out to lunch, napped, went for a hike, went to a book sale, went out to dinner, watched TV, slept in, I had hours to read by myself in the morning, and then made a big breakfast before picking up the girls. This intentional time together refreshed both of us and our love for one another. We talked at the restaurants, talked while hiking, talked in bed, talked during breakfast. I feel more connected to him. I feel heard and I listened. I'm so thankful. It also gave me a chance to miss the girls, which was so good for me. When we picked them up at my inlaw's house it was pure joy seeing them and I'm content not to be away from them for a very long time. And the girls had a blast! It was a win-win and we're so happy for that time alone and to be back all together.


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