For awhile I've been wanting to get to Ollie's Bargain Outlet to get some more books for my girls. They are both loving books right now and we can't seem to have enough books. I mean we have plenty, but since they love it so much I was wanting to get some new ones to feed into their interest. We go to the library on a mostly weekly basis getting about 20 books at a time, but I am not exaggerating when I say we read that pile every day. I just haven't seemed to be able to get to Ollie's. And then a friend of mine sent me an email inviting me to a "book party". She had recently cleaned out her girls's closet and wanted to give away some books that they are no longer using. Wow! I couldn't believe the timing of this email and the generosity of my friend. So yesterday we went to her house and had a great time playing, and left with two big bags of wonderful, beautiful, enriching books. As I was leaving, my friend also asked if she could send home s...